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Welcome to GoodWikiRead
Hey there. I hope you are doing well. GoodWikiRead is an Internet encyclopedia website for information, knowledge, and learning.
What to do
Relax, read an article or a few, and if you'd like, create an article or add content to as many as you'd like. Please do so in a nice way, respectful to others, quality is key and makes us happy, and maybe even have a bit of fun doing so.
Why GoodWikiRead
I am Stan Switaj, and I'm a creator, founder, and business owner and entrepreneur, so I enjoy creating new, exciting projects of Internet websites and especially business ventures. Important to this is also giving back to the world in terms of this website and the knowledge and information it may provide.
GoodWikiRead License and uses 100% the license, CC BY-SA 4.0, that is compatible, to copy text from and to compatible wiki's provided you attribute and do whatever the CC BY-SA 4.0 says to, with other wiki's that use the same license including
The Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License is known as the CC BY-SA 4.0.
How to create a page on GoodWikiRead
To create a page, you need an account. Email so that I may create an account for you, email your username and password to me that will allow you to access .org with page write permission and I'll create the account, this is because of spam. In the subject line ask to "Request Create Account on GoodWikiRead". By creating the account, you promise and try to upkeep high quality page writing. And no spam please that may terminate your account with GoodWikiRead. And any article created on GoodWikiRead needs sources cited.
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GoodWikiRead Motto
GoodWikiRead is an Internet encyclopedia website for information, knowledge, and learning.
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